Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The 1st one

I used to keep a blog on LiveJournal. I loved doing it. It's not that I had much to write about because my life is not very exciting. But it was a place to store my thoughts, and maybe even get an outside input from a kind stranger on issues that bothered me and caused much drama in my life.

When I’m stressed or overpowered by emotions, I write. They are short stories, 1200, 5000 words long. When I’m really stressed and the emotions get overbearing I even put down 70 pages of stuff. The stories are about me even though I would never admit to it, and I will deny it if ever confronted.

It was a girl, the reason why I shut down my last blog. She didn’t like reading about herself (or knowing that there is a place where someone writes about her) on the Net so, because I cared a great deal about her, I shut down my blog.

We didn’t last long; I was heartbroken, but even though I needed a place to vent my feelings at, I decided not to post it for the world to see. I guess it was only fair, to both of us. But I did write a story. And that’s how that circle got to its close.

It’s been a while but I’m here now, hoping for a fresh start, hoping for something exciting to write about.

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