Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Girls with guns

I am a sucker for crime/forensic shows. I follow them all. Law and Order: SVU, CSI (all fifteen of them), Criminal Intent, NCIS, Without a Trace, Cold Case, NYPD Blue… You name it, I'm watching it. Up until recently my argument for all the show watching was that it's good television. Suspense, riddles, crime solving, good guys kicking bad guys' asses, tires screeching, guns blasting, stuff exploding, blood everywhere… Yes, all very educational and stress relieving.

But then I realized that it's not just the action sequences and/or mandatory suspense that's making my adrenaline kick in, but rather the presence of certain characters on each show is what makes me watch the shows week after week even though the storylines just keep repeating themselves.

Yes my darlings, Miss K has a thing for ladies with guns. The women that will kick your ass, throw you up against the wall and tell you to spread them, and maybe even reach for the gun holster so they'd show you they really mean business. I mean, how could I not fall under the charm of a woman who's smart, agile, fearless, gets rid of the bad guys and looks so fine while doing it?

I admit that Olivia Benson was my first love. And you always remember your first. No one can compete with Olivia B. Well maybe Olivia B + Alex C. Oh how I daydreamed of that pairing… Oh and then Samantha Spade. I'd so kidnap people if it meant getting arrested by her. Calleigh Duquesne? Don't. Even. Get. Me. Started on her because my head might explode. And then there are all the wonderful ladies of CSI LV… When I watch that show, I am in heaven. Catherine Willows. Sara Sidle. Oh and my newest, freshest, and guiltiest of pleasures: detective Sofia Curtis. I profess my adoring love and devotion to her. I shall be her slave in any way she wants it. I would do anything, anything for a glimpse of her in suit pants, black shirt (with sleeves rolled up to her elbows!) and gun in hand being all do-you-feel-lucky-punk-ish.

Can you blame me?

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